
RESISTOR | Announcement Trailer

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A turbocharged narrative-driven adventure RPG featuring open-world exploration, stunt-infused racing, and explosive vehicular combat! Build up your team and unravel a twisting story as you compete to take down an oppressive mega-corporation and its enigmatic director.

In the year 2060 the world’s governments have long since destroyed one another and in their place stand self-contained city states presided over by a league of powerful corporations. Within the walls of these dense urban metropolises, citizens enjoy a life of comfort and excess, far removed from the harsh realities of the scattered communities that scrape a living in the endless desert wastes of the outside world.

To remain “competitive but friendly”, the corporations take turns hosting an annual racing tournament for the masses setting the finest teams, and bravest challengers, against one another in a series of exhilarating, high-speed death races. The ultimate prize? A one-way ticket to permanent citizenship, and a better life, inside the cities.

For Aster, this year’s event, sponsored by Dekker Industries, represents an opportunity to secure the vital healthcare needed to save their ailing mother. But is life beneath the glossy veneer of Ethan Dekker’s corporate utopia truly as idyllic as it seems?

A battle for the podium soon becomes a war to smash the system! Gather your teammates, fire up your plasma-engines, and above all, RESIST.



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