
Quantum Error | Story Teaser | Ps5 | Unreal Engine 5

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Quantum Error is cosmic-horror FPS/TPS coming soon to the PS5, running on Unreal Engine 5.

When the Monad Quantum Research Facility – 30 miles off the shore of CA - is attacked by an unknown entity, engulfing the complex in flames and putting it into a full containment lock-down, a distress call is sent for mutual aid to the Garboa Fire Dept in San Francisco, CA.

Fire Chief Sturgis answers the call and sends you – Capt. Jacob Thomas – your partner Shane Costa and a crew by helicopter to the Monad Facility.

Your mission is simple: save as many lives from the burning complex as possible and get out. However, what starts as a rescue mission quickly plummets into darkness, when you arrive and find that things are not as they appear.


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